Little Known Facts About Humphrey Bogart’s Wife, Mayo Methot

Fans of Humphrey Bogart are well aware of his multiple marriages. Of them all, Bogie’s most tempestuous were his seven years as husband to actress Mayo Methot. Nicknamed ‘Sluggy,’ Mayo’s public disagreements with her movie ‘tough guy’ spouse made the ‘Battling Bogarts’ a constant source of celebrity news. Here are three tidbits you probably didn’t know about Bogie’s famously feisty partner.

1. When Mayo was just a teenager, her sea captain father broke the jaw of a young boy who blew kisses to her. This taught Mayo to take matters into her own hands…later with her Hollywood husband.

2. Early in their relationship, Mayo was an accomplished Broadway star and ‘Bogie’ was a struggling movie novice. Their roles changed over time and as Bogart acquired bigger parts, Mayo relinquished both her stage and screen career.

Mayo Methot

Mayo Methot – 1930, The Ben Solowey Collection

3. After her death in 1951, Humphrey Bogart had flowers regularly sent to Mayo’s Oregon crypt. They stopped arriving in 1957, the year of Bogart’s own passing.

Mayo Methot

Mayo’s  Portland, Oregon Crypt, Photo © Roy Widing

Mayo Methot, Humphrey Bogart

Learn more about Mayo Methot – Star of stage, screen and wife of Humphrey Bogart in her debut biography here.

Mayo Methot, Humphrey Bogart 

The Bromfield Farm

Humphrey Bogart’s escape with fourth wife Lauren Bacall to friend Louis Bromfield’s Ohio farm for their 1945 nuptials is well documented. Less known is that Bromfield’s estate was also a getaway for Bogie and wife number three, Mayo Methot on December 18, 1940.